TRICARE is the insurance provider for the United States Military service and the only health care scheme offered by the US Department of Defense Military health care system. TRICARE options are available to Sponsors (active duty military personnel, retirees and reserve members) and family members (spouses and children).
The two beneficiaries are divided into multiple categories depending on their current status in military and whether they are family or a direct sponsor themselves.
- Active military duty personnel and their families
- Reserve member and their families
- Retired service personnel and their families
- Retired National guard/ Reserve personnel and their families
- Families and personnel of Medal of honor recipients, survivors and former spouses
There are 9 different TRICARE Options available for the aforementioned beneficiaries and some of them are shared across various categories. Additional information on these beneficiaries and plans available for them can be found next:
#1 Learn About TRICARE Prime
TRICARE Prime is a primary managed care health plan available across different beneficiaries. It covers primarily active duty or retired military personnel and their families, medal of honor recipients and their families, survivors, and former spouses.
This plan meets and exceeds the minimum essential health insurance requirements mandated by the Affordable Care Act (Obama Care). Some plans that go along with this scheme and are available for the same population are TRICARE Prime Remote, TRICARE Prime Overseas and TRICARE Prime Remote overseas.
#2 Learn About TRICARE Select
This type of TRICARE Options specifically covers all the population that is not eligible for TRICARE Prime. It currently has an employer-based insurance and uses a non-TRICARE supported health provider. It provides coverage to a very wide number of beneficiaries and it is usually availed just by itself.
#3 Learn About TRICARE Prime Remote
The Primary Remote is available to active duty military personnel while living remotely, and are unable to access TRICARE Prime. You have less choice in selecting a provider and fewer out of costs.
#4 Learn About TRICARE Select Overseas
This specific TRICARE Option is available to active duty military personnel that live overseas and cannot access other TRICARE health plans.
#5 Learn About TRICARE Reserve Select & TRICARE Retired Reserve
This type of plan is only available to reserve members and their families. It can usually be combined with TRICARE Retired Reserve and TRICARE Young Adult for children above 23 years old that still depend on their parents. The tracer retired reserve covers the Retired Reserve member beneficiary category.
#6 Learn About TRICARE Prime Overseas & TRICARE Prime Remote Overseas
Available for active duty military personnel, reserve personnel and their families, this program is available to those that cannot come under the TRICARE prime category. This type of program is mainly available to Overseas and Remote Overseas active personnel. There is a fine distinction between the two and one cannot qualify under both categories.
#7 Learn About TRICARE for Life
This health plan is 3rd in line when the beneficiary lives in the US after using Medicare part A and B, or the first option for those who live overseas. This is available to the family of military personnel on active duty and retired military/reserve personnel as well.
#8 Learn About TRICARE Young Adult
When your children are beyond the age required for TRICARE Prime, then they are covered under the TRICARE Young Adult program. To qualify they must be more than 23 years of age and be dependents of TRICARE sponsors.
#9 Learn About the US Family Health Plan
This option is very specific, applies only to a few locations, but is considered to be the most comprehensive of all TRICARE options out there.